23 Mei, 2011


Karir Dian Sastro di dunia hiburan bermula setelah dia menjadi juara cover girl majalah Gadis pada 1996. Sejak saat itu, Dian mendalami dunia model.

Dia mulai terlibat di dunia akting tatkala menjadi model bagi video klip band ‘Sheila on 7' pada 1999. Setelah itu, dia turut terlibat klip video ‘The Fly' serta ‘Kla Project.' Pada 2000, anak tunggal pasangan almarhum Ariawan Rusdianto Sastrowardoyo, dan Dewi Parwati Setyorini ini mulai dapat tawaran bermain film indie berjudul ‘Bintang Jatuh'.

Pengalaman itu membuat Dian jatuh cinta pada dunia film. Aktingnya menuai pujian banyak pihak. Film indie pertamanya, Bintang Jatuh (2000), karya Rudi Sudjarwo, diedarkan di kampus-kampus, dan tidak ditayangkan di bioskop. Dian beradu akting dengan Marcella Zalianty, Garry Iskak dan Indra Birowo.

Dia melakoni peran lebih serius, saat berakting dalam Pasir Berbisik (2001) bersama Christine Hakim, Slamet Rahardjo dan Didi Petet. Lewat film ini pula Dian menyabet pemeran wanita terbaik pada Festival Film Internasional Singapura (2002), dan Festival Film Asia di Deauville, Perancis (2002). Alumnus SMU Tarakanita I ini memenangi Piala Citra 2004, sebagai Pemeran Utama Wanita Terbaik dan Aktris Terbaik dalam Festival Film Asia di Perancis.

Sumber: http://id.shvoong.com/books/biography/2030673-biografi-dian-sastrowardoyo/#ixzz1NA3X5CpH
Setahun kemudian, dia berperan dengan sangat baik sebagai Cinta dalam film Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC) pada 2002. Film itu disebut-sebut melecut kembali gairah film nasional yang lesu. AADC bercerita tentang remaja Jakarta, dan kisah cinta yang tidak cengeng, laris menjadi tontonan di dalam dan luar negeri. Selama berbulan-bulan film itu bertengger di peringkat tertinggi di bioskop tanah air, maupun luar negeri.

Dua pemeran utama AADC, Dian Sastro dan Nicholas Saputra, berkeliling ke tujuh kota di Jepang, karena film itu diputar di 30 bioskop di negeri Sakura itu. Antara lain, di Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Fukuoka dan Kobe.

Mencoba Sinetron

Meski sebelumnya enggan bermain sinetron, dia akhirnya terjun dalam sinetron Dunia Tanpa Koma (2006). Selain itu, Dian juga tampil membawakan beberapa acara televisi. Dia kembali berduet akting dengan Nicholas Saputra di film 3 Doa 3 Cinta (2008), enam tahun setelah kisah sukses mereka di AADC. Di ajang International Festival of Asian Cinema V Seoul, 3 Doa 3 Cinta mendapat penghargaan Grand Prize of the International Jury.

Kecintaannya pada film pun kian kuat. Dalam Drupadi (2009), Dian membuktikan diri sebagai aktis sekaligus produser film.

Seni peran juga menantangnya tampil di panggung teater. Saat peluncuran novel "9 Dari Nadira" karya Leila S Chudori, awal Desember 2009, dia tampil memainkan satu karakter dari novel itu. Setelah debut perdana di panggung teater, Dian mengaku lelah menghafal naskah teater yang panjang. Dia lebih menikmati peran di layar lebar.


Sejak bersinar dalam AADC, kehidupan pribadi Dian selalu menjadi perhatian. Begitu juga kisah asmara di seputar artis ini. Sejumlah lelaki disebut-sebut pernah dekat dengan Dian, misalnya pembalap Moreno Soeprapto. Kisah cinta Dian dengan Moreno tak bertahan lama, keduanya berpisah dan memilih jalan masing-masing.

Dian sempat berpacaran dengan Abi Yapto, anak pengusaha ternama, Yapto S Soerjosoemarno. Hubungan Dian dengan Abi berjalan lumayan lama. Kisah cinta itu berakhir Agustus 2006. Meski tak jelas sebabnya, keretakan cinta mereka diduga karena orang ketiga yang dekat dengan Dian. Tak jelas siapa lelaki yang disebut-sebut membuyarkan hubungan Dian dan Abi itu. Pada saat itu, Dian juga dekat dengan penyiar radio Prambors, Warman Nasution.

Putus dari Abi, Dian lama tak terlihat menggandeng pria. Bintang sabun Lux ini mengaku menikmati masa kesendiriannya itu. Awal November 2009 berhembus kabar jika cucu tokoh pergerakan nasional Prof Mr Sunario Sastrowardoyo ini bertunangan dengan kekasihnya, Indraguna Sutowo. Hubungan itu rupanya serius. 18 Mei 2010, Dian dinikahi kekasihnya itu.

Sumber: http://id.shvoong.com/books/biography/2030673-biografi-dian-sastrowardoyo/#ixzz1NA3cjdXD
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18 Mei, 2011


In English grammar the degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb that describes the relational value of one thing with something in another clause of a sentence. An adjective may simply describe a quality, (the positive); it may compare the quality with that of another of its kind (comparative degree); and it may compare the quality with many or all others (superlative degree). [1] In other languages it may describe a very large degree of a particular quality (in Semitic linguistics, called an elative).
The degree of comparison may be expressed morphologically, or syntactically. In English, for example, most monosyllabic and some disyllabic adjectives have morphological degrees of comparison: green (positive), greener (comparative), greenest (superlative); pretty, prettier, prettiest; while most polysyllabic adjectives use syntax: complex, more complex, most complex.
1. The positive degree is the most basic form of the adjective, positive because it does not relate to any superior or inferior qualities of other things in speech.
2. The comparative degree denotes a greater amount of a quality relative to something else. The phrase “Anna is taller than her father” means that Anna's degree of tallness is greater than her father's degree of tallness.
3. The superlative degree denotes the most, the largest, etc., by which it differs from other things.
Rhetorical use of unbalanced comparatives
In some contexts, such as advertising or political speeches, absolute and relative comparatives are intentionally employed in a way that invites a comparison, and yet the basis of comparison is not established. This is a common rhetorical device used to create an implication of significance where one may not actually be present. Although such usage is common, it is sometimes considered ungrammatical.[citation needed]
For example:
• Always!
• Why pay more?
• We work harder.
• We sell for less!
English usage
Traditional English grammar uses the comparative form when comparing exactly two things, and the superlative when comparing three or more, but in informal usage this may not hold.[clarification needed]
Positive Comparative Superlative
Good Better Best
Beautiful More Beautiful Most Beautiful
Big Bigger Biggest
Tall Taller Tallest
Sincere More Sincere Most Sincere
Small Smaller Smallest

source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_of_comparison
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1. Kalimat pasif ialah suatu kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai oleh suatu perbuatan
atau yang predikatnya berawalan di…/ ter…
2. Kata kerja yang digunakan harus kata kerja transitive, yaitu kata kerja yang
bisa diikuti oleh suatu objek atau benda.
3. Rumus kalimat pasif dalam bahasa inggris adalah sebagai berikut:
S + To be + V3…………………………………by…
4. To be berfungsi untuk menentukan Tenses dari suatu kalimat dan untuk
membentuk awalan : di….atau: ter…
5. To be dapat dijabarkan dalam 16 Tenses (lihatlah 16 Tenses pada rumus
kalimat aktif)

Pelajarilah Rumus dibawah ini :
1. Present Future Tense: S + will be + V3…by…
2. Present Future Continuous Tense: S + will be + being + V3…by…
3. Present Future Perfect Tense: S + will have been + V3
4. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense: S + will have been + being + V3….
5. Simple Present Tense: S + am/is/are + V3…
6. Present Continuous Tense: S + am/is/are + being +V3…
7. Present Perfect Tense: S + have/has + been + V3
8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense: S + have been/has been +being +V3…
9. Past Perfect Tense: S + had been +V3…
10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense: S + had been + being + V3…
11. Simple Past Tense: S + Was/were + V3…
12. Past Continuous Tense: S + was/were + being + V3…
13. Past Future Tense: S + would be + V3…
14. Past Future Continuous Tense: S + would be being +V3…
15. Past Future Perfect Tense: S + would have been + V3…
16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense: S + would have been + being + V3…
Penjelasan :
1. Kata kerja yang dipakai dalam kalimat pasif ialah V3 (bukan V1, V2, V4)
2. Tenses dalam kalimat pasifditentukan aleh bentuk To be nya
3. TO BE bisa terdiri dari:
a. Satu kata saja (am/is/are/was/were) lihat nomor 5 dan 11.
b. Dua kata(will be,have been, has been, had been, would be) lihat nomor1, 7, 9, 13. (am being-is being-are being-was being-were being) no. 6 dan no. 12.
c. Tiga kata (will be being, will have been, have been being, has been being, had been being, would be being and would have been) lihat nomor 2, 3, 8, 10, 14 dan 15.
d. Empat kata (will have been being dan would have been being ) no. 4
dan 16.
4. Being dalam kalimat pasif menunjukan: Continuous.


1. Present Future Tense
= S tak akan di…………………
Example : Engkau tak akan dimarahi olehnya.

2. Present Future Continuous Tense
= S tidak sedang akan di……
Example : Rapat tidak sedang akan dimulai oleh mereka pukul 9 besok pagi.

3. Present Future Perfect Tense
= S belum akan di…………
Example : Nasi belum akan dimasak olehnya sore ini

4. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Example : Rumah itu belum lagi akan disita oleh Bank pada akhir tahun ini.

5. Simple Present Tense
Example : Pengacau-pengacau itu tidak dikenakan hukuman oleh Hakim.

6. Present Continuous Tense
Example : Mobil saya tidak sedang direparasi sekarang

7. Present Perfect Tense
Example : Saya belum diajak dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris oleh kawan-
kawan saya.
Communicative English Course
S + Won’t be + V3……….(by him)………
S + Won’t be + being + V3…(by them)….
S + Won’t have been + V3….(by her)
S + Won’t have been + V3….(by the Bank)………
S + (am not/isn’t/aren’t) + V3….(by the Judge)
S + (am not/isn’t/aren’t) + being + V3… (by……)
S + (hasn’t/haven’t) + been +

8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Example : Korupsi masih belum diberantas oleh pemerintah sejak bertahun-tahun
yang lalu.

9. Past Perfect Tense
Example : Tomy belum dituduh sebagai penghianat, sebelum Jaksa Agung

10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Example : Buchary masih belum dicalonkan Walikota, ketika otonomi
dilimpahkan ke-propinsi.

11. Simple Past Tense
Example : Tindakan keras tidak dilakukan oleh pemerintah terhadap para

12. Past Continuous Tense
Example : Pasien tidak sedang dioperasi ketika ia meninggal kemarin.
•No. 13 s/d No. 16, hanya menambahkan kataNot, pada kata bantu yang pertama.
Lihat pada 16 Tenses kalimat pasip bentuk berita.
Communicative English Course
S + (hasn’t/haven’t) + been + being + V3…by…..
S + hadn’t been + V3…by…..
S + hadn’t been + being + V3…(by……….)
S + (wasn’t/weren’t) + V3…(by……….)
S + (wasn’t/weren’t) + V3…(by……….)


1. Present Future Tense
= Yes/No,………
Example : Apakah Bahasa Inggris akan dipakai di Pontianak ?
When +……………………………… ? = Few years from now.

2. Present Future Continuous Tense
= Yes/No,………………...
Example : Apakah rapat sedang akan diadakan pukul 9 besok ?
What time +………………... ? = At 9 o’clock.

3. Present Future Perfect Tense
= Yes/No,………………...
Example : Apakah pekerjaanmu sudah akan diselesaikan sore ini ?
What +…………………….. ? = Your job.

4. Present Future Perfect Continuous Tense
= Yes/No,……………….
Example : Apakah norma-norma hukum tengah akan diberlakukan sesudah negara
bangkrut ?
Why +…………………………... ? = Because none is hones in

5. Simple Present Tense
= Yes/No,………………
Communicative English Course
Will + S + be + V3…(by..) few years from now ? Will + S + have been + V3…………… ?
Will + S + have been + V3……………?
Will + S + have been + being + V3………… ?
(Am /Is/Are) + S + V3…………

6. Present Continuous Tense
= Yes/No,………………...
Example : Apakah penari-penari itu sedang dijemput sekarang ?
Where +……………………. ? = At the airport.

7. Present Perfect Tense
= Yes/No,………………...
Example : Sudahkah tiket-tiket itu dibeli olehmu ?
How many tickets + ……….. ? = 5 tickets

8. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
= Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah Budi tengah diopname di rumah sakit ?
How long +…………………. ? = For 3 days.

9. Past Perfect Tense
= Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah perampok-perampok itu sudah tertembak dikakinya sebelum
mereka menyerahkan diri ?
Who +………………… ? = The robbers.

10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
= Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah ia tengah diperbantukan sebelum kepada Departemen
Pendidikan sebelum ia menjadi Menteri ?
Communicative English Course
(Am/Is/Are ) + S + being + V3………. ?
(Has/Have) + S + been + V3………… ?
(Has/Have) + S + been + being + V3………. ?
Had + S + been + V3………. ?
Had + S + been + being + V3……………. ?

How long +…………………. ? = More than 3 year.

11. Simple Past Tense
= Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah masalah Tomy dibicarakan di DPR ?
What +………………………. ? = Tomy’s problem.

12. Past Continuous Tense
= Yes/No,………………
Example : Apakah proyek perumahan sedang direncanakan di kota ini ketika saya
ada di luar negeri tahun lalu ?
By whom +………………… ? = By the mayor.

13. Past Future Tense : Hanya mengubah : Will dengan Would dan keterangan

14. Past Future Continuous Tense
: sama di atas (kalimat dikarang sendiri)

15. Past Future Perfect Tense
: sama di atas (kalimat dikarang sendri)

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense : sama di atas (kalimat dikarang sendiri)
Communicative English Course
(Were/Was) + S + V3…………. ?
(Were/Was) + S + being + V3………… ?

Source: http://www.scribd.com/doc/15803659/16-tenses-in-English
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Main clause selalu mempunyai modal auxiliary
If clause selalu berupa : simple present, simple past, atau past perfect

1. conditional sentences type 1 : true in the present or future

S + MODAL V1 + V1 . . IF + S + V1 ATAU TO BE V1

Mengubah kata if dengan on condition that, provided, atau unless

contoh :
conditional : I may study in university if i graduate from senior high school
fact : i may study in university on condition that i graduate from senior high school

2. conditional sentences type 2 : untrue in the present

S + MODAL V2 + V2 . . IF + S + V2 ATAU TO BE V2
1. Ubah kata if menjadi because
2. Ubah tense menjadi simple present dan hilangkan modal
3. Ubah kalimat negatif menjadi positif dan sebaliknya

contoh :
conditional : I might study in university if i graduated from senior high school
fact : I don't study in university because i don't graduate from senior high school
3. conditional sentences type 3 : untrue in the past

S + MODAL V2 + HAVE + V3 . . IF + S + HAD + V3 ATAU HAD BEEN

1. Ubah kata if menjadi because
2. Ubah tense menjadi simple present dan hilangkan modal
3. Ubah kalimat negatif menjadi positif dan sebaliknya

contoh :
conditional : I might have studied in university if i had graduated from senior high school
fact : I didn't study in university because i didn't graduate from senior high school

source: http://student.eepis-its.edu/~gal/condi1.html
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Noun Clause adalah Clause yang digunakan sebagai pengganti noun atau berfungsi sebagai noun (kata benda). Selain Noun Clause ini, sebenarnya masih ada clause lainnya seperti Adverb Clause dan Adjective Clause. Untuk mendalami penjelasan mengenai Noun Clause, silahkan perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:

Menurut jenis kalimat asalnya, Noun Clause dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 4 macam, yaitu:
1. Statement (pernyataan)
2. Question (pertanyaan)
3. Request (permintaan)
4. Exclamation (seruan).

1. Statement

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "that"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat
• Kangaroo lives in Australia (statement)
• That Kangaroo lives is Australia is well known to all (Noun Clause)
2) Subjek Kalimat setelah "It"
• It is well known to all that Kangaroo lives in Australia
3) Objek Pelengkap
• My conclusion is that Kangaroo lives in Australia
4) Objek Kata Kerja
• All people understand well that Kangaroo lives in Australia
5) Apositif
• My conclusion that Kangaroo lives is Australia is correct.
2. Question

A. Yes/No Question

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "whether (or not/or if)"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat
• Can she drive the car? (Question)
• Whether she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or not she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether she can drive the car or not doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or if she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Pelengkap
• My question is whether she can drive the car.
3) Objek Kata Kerja
• I really wonder whether she can drive the car (or not).
4) Objek Kata Depan
• We discussed about whether she can drive the car.
B. Wh- Question

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "kata Tanya itu sendiri"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Subjek Kalimat
• What is he doing? (Question)
• What she is doing doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Pelengkap
• My question is what she is doing.
3) Objek Kata Kerja
• I really wonder what she is doing.
4) Objek Kata Depan
• We discussed about what she is doing.

Posisi kembali normal, tidak seperti posisi sebuah pertanyaan normal.

3. Request

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "that"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Objek Kata Kerja
• Read the book! (Request)
• He suggested that I read the book. (Noun Clause)

Tanda seru hilang.

4. Exclamation

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "kata Tanya yang dipakai pada kalimat itu sendiri"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Objek Kata Kerja
• What a pretty girl she is? (Exclamation)
• I never realize what a pretty girl she is. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Kata Depan
• We are talking about what a pretty girl she is.
Catatan Tambahan:
• Noun Clause dengan "that" digunakan sebagai subjek dari suatu kalimat hanya dengan kata kerja tertentu. Dan kata kerja (verb) yang penting adalah linking verb, khususnya BE.
• Noun Clause dengan "that" sering menjadi objek dari verb (kata kerja), beberapa verb berikut ini biasanya mempunyai subjek yang me�nunjukkan manusia. Kata-kata tersebut terutama sekali adalah verb yang digunakan dalam Indirect Speech Berta verb yang menyatakan kegiatan mental.
Kata Kerja Kalimat Tak Langsung

Admit, agree, allege, announce, argue, assert, assure, declare, aver, boast, claim, complain, confess, convince, deny, disagree, explain, foretell, hint, inform, insist, maintain, notify, persuade, pray, predict, proclaim, promise, relate, remark, remind, report, say, state, swear, teach, tell, threaten, warn

Kata Kerja Aktivitas Mental

Ascertain, assume, believe, calculate, care (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), conceive, conclude, consider, convince, decide, discover, doubt, dream, expect, fancy, feel, find out, forget, grant, guess, hear, hold (pendapat), hope, imagine, indicate, know, judge, learn, mean, mind (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), notice, perceive, presume, pretend, prove, question, realize, recall, reckon, recollect, reflect, regret, rejoice, remember, reveal, see, show, suppose, surmise, think, trust, understand, wish

1. Alex thinks that Mary is ill.
2. Bob told me that he had finished breakfast.
3. Henry says that Jack is very busy.
4. He insists that there is a mistake.
5. He complained to his friend that his wife couldn't cook.
• Dalam percakapan yang tidak resmi (informal) "that" sering dihilangkan dari objek Clause jika artinya (maksudnya) sudah jelas dapat dimengerti tanpa adanya "that".
1. I am sorry (that) I couldn't meet you at the station.
2. He says (that) they plan to come to the dance.
3. We thought (that) you had already left for abroad.
4. The reason we returned so early is, (that) one of the children got sick.
• Noun Clause dari question (pertanyaan) yang terletak sesudah verb yang memerlukan 2 objek mungkin berfungsi sebagai salah satu atau kedua objek dari verb tersebut.
1. Give the man (Indirect Object) what is in this envelope (Direct Object)
2. Give what is in the envelope to the man.
• Noun Clause dari pertanyaan mungkin diawali dengan kata-kata tanya yang berfungsi sebagai: Pronouns, Adjectives, atau Adverbs. Kata-kata yang dipakai adalah: Pronoun = who (ever), what (ever(, which. (ever), Adjective = whose, what (ever), which (ever), Adverb = how (ever), when (ever), where (ever), why.
1. We don't know who will be coming from the employment agency. (who adalah subjek dari will be coming)
2. We don't know whom the employment agency will send. (whom adalah objek dari will send)
3. We will ask whoever comes from the employment agency. (whoever adalah subjek dari comes)
4. We will ask whomever the employment agency sends. (whomever adalah objek dari sends)
• Dalam Noun Clause dari pertanyaan, subjek dan verb mempunyai susunan yang umum, yakni terletak sesudah introductory word.
• Noun Clause dari permintaan dimulai dengan that- Clause ini paling sering merupakan objek dari verb yang menyatakan permintaan, saran, atau keinginan dan sebagainya.
1. He is requesting that a company car be placed at his disposal.
2. The doctor recommended that he take a vacation.
3. It was suggested that she leave immediately.
4. It was proposed that the meeting be adjourned.
• Kadang-kadang "that" yang merupakan kata permulaan Clause dapat digantikan dengan susunan infinitive setelah kata-kata kerja yang menunjukkan permintaan seperti advise, ask, beg, command, desire, forbid, order, request, require, argue.
• Subjek dari that-Clause sering dalam bentuk passive dari verbs of requesting dengan susunan anticipatory it.

source: http://ismailmidi.com/berita-170-noun-clause.html
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Gerunds atau verbals atau verbal nouns adalah kata kerja berbentuk ing yang dipakai sebagai kata benda.

A. Bentuk
Gerund dibentuk dari : kata kerja + ing (V1 + ing)
Misalnya: smoking, shoping, hunting dan sebagainya.
Bentuk gerund adalah sama seperti bentuk present participle, dan keduanya merupakan bagian dari kata kerja. Perbedaannya gerund merupakan sejenis kata benda, tetapi present participle adalah semacam kata sifat. Oleh karena itu, meskipun serupa tetapi keduanya sangat berbeda dalam sifatnya.
Gerund mempunyai empat macam bentuk :
Present or continuous
Perfect active
having done Passive
being done
having been done

B. Sifat
Sifat ganda gerund:
Gerund merupakan part of speech ganda. Suatu kata benda dan kata kerja yang digabungkan. Oleh karena itu, kita harus menjelaskannya dalam tiap sifat ini :
1) Sebagai kata benda
2) Sebagai bagian kata kerja
C. Pemakaian
1) Karena gerund merupakan sejenis kata benda, maka ia dapat digunakan sebagai berikut :
a) Sebagai subjek untuk kata kerja
contoh: Sleeping is necessary to life
b) Sebagai objek untuk kata kerja
contoh: I don’t like smoking
c) Sebagai komplemen untuk kata kerja
contoh: My chief delight is riding
d) Sebagai objek untuk preposisi
contoh: He gave up smoking
2) Gerund dengan objek
Karena gerund adalah bagian kata kerja, ia dapat menggunakan objek di belakangnya.
a) Objek langsung
contoh: He is clever at teaching mathematics (mathematics = objek langsung)
b) Objek tak langsung
contoh: He is clever at teaching us mathematics (us = objek tak langsung)
c) Objek yang tetap dipertahankan dalam kalimat pasif
contoh: She is pleased at being taught mathematics
d) Objek yang artinya mirip dengan kata kerja itu sendiri
contoh: She is proud of having sung a fine song
e) Objek refleksif
contoh: She is in the habit of oversleeping herself
3) Gerund dengan genitif
Kata benda atau kata ganti, asalkan menunjukkan orang atau binatang, haruslah dalam kasus genitif, bilamana kata benda atau kata ganti itu diletakkan di depan gerund.
Contoh: I am pleased at your coming
Perhatikan :
a) Pemakaian gerund yang didahului kata benda atau kata ganti genitif yang berikut ini kadang-kadang terjadi :
Contoh: This was a creative work of my doing
b) Kadang-kadang huruf “a” diletakkan di depan gerund dalam pengertian preposisi. Di sini “a” merupakan perubahan atau singkatan dari preposisi on :
The man has gone a-hunting
He has gone a-fishing
4) Yang memiliki bentuk ing, selain gerund, masih ada present participle dan kata benda asli, haruslah kita bedakan dengan jelas.
a) A sleeping carriage (a carriage used for sleeping), di sini sleeping merupakan gerund
b) A sleeping child (a child that is sleeping), di sini sleeping merupakan present participle yang dipakai sebagai kata sifat
c) Rising early is good for health, di sini rising adalah kata kerja yang diterangkan kata keterangan early, merupakan gerund yang berfungsi sebagai subjek.
d) Early rising is good for health, di sini rising diterangkan oleh kata sifat early, dengan demikian rising adalah part of speech dan merupakan kata benda asli.
5) Gerund dalam bentuk present perfect:
He regrets having done so (he regrets that he has done or did so)
He regretted having done so (he regretted that he had done so)
Gerund dan bukan infinitive harus dipakai:
a) Sesudah preposisi atau ungkapan berpreposisi :
Without, etc + gerund
Contoh: Do your work without speaking. Kerjakanlah pekerjaanmu tanpa berbicara
Look forward to + gerund
Contoh: I look forward to seeing you soon. Saya mengharapkan dengan senang hati menemui anda segera
Instead of, etc + gerund
Contoh: You had much better work instead of idling away your time. Sebaiknya Anda bekerja daripada buang-buang waktu
b) Sesudah kata-kata yang secara tetap menggunakan preposisi :
Fond of + gerund
Contoh: He is always fond of hunting. Ia selalu suka berburu
Insist on + gerund
Contoh: He insisted on going to Kudus. Ia bersikeras untuk pergi ke Kudus
Object to + gerund
Contoh: I object to smoking. Saya keberatan merokok
Prevent from + gerund
Contoh: I was prevented from going because of illness. Saya terhalang pergi karena sakit
Succeed in + gerund
Contoh: He succeeded in solving the problem. Ia berhasil memecahkan masalah itu
Think of + gerund
Contoh: I often think of going to France. Saya sering bermaksud pergi ke Perancis
Tired of + gerund
Contoh: I’m tired of eating foreign food every day. Saya bosan makan makanan asing tiap hari
Used to + gerund
Contoh: I’m used to getting up early. Saya biasa bangun pagi-pagi
c) Sesudah katakata kerja tertentu
Avoid + gerund
Contoh: We can’t avoid making mistakes. Kita tak dapat menghindari membuat kesalahan
Can’t bear + gerund
Contoh: He can’t bear being laughed at. Ia tak dapat tahan ditertawakan orang
Can’t help + gerund
Contoh: I can’t help laughing. Saya tak dapat menahan tertawa
Catatan 1 :
Cannot help dan cannot but mempunyai arti yang sama tidak dapat menahan, tetapi pemakaiannya berbeda. Cannot help diikuti oleh gerund tetapi cannot but diikuti oleh infinitive tanpa to.
contoh :
I cannot but laugh
Can’t stand + gerund
Contoh: She can’t stand being laughed at. Ia tak tahan ditertawakan orang
Delay + gerund
Contoh: I delayed answering you owing to pressure of work. Saya menunda untuk menjawab anda karena sibuk
Enjoy + gerund
He enjoys playing a game of football. Ia senang sekali bermain sepak bola
Catatan 2 :
Kata-kata kerja yang berarti “to like” atau “to dislike” boleh diikuti infinitive atau gerund.
He likes reading English literature (he likes to read English literature). Ia suka membaca
kesusastraan Inggris
She dislikes swimming (he dislike to swim). Ia tak suka berenang
Escape + gerund
Contoh: He narrowly escaped drowning. Ia nyaris tenggelam
Finish + gerund
Contoh: I haven’t finished speaking. Saya belum selesai berbicara
Catatan 3 :
Kata kerja yang berarti “to begin” diikuti oleh infinitive atau gerund
Go on (= continue) + gerund
Contoh: The rain went on falling all night. Hujan terus turun sepanjang malam
Keep (on) + gerund
Contoh: He was kept waiting a long time, but he kept his temper. Ia dibiarkan menunggu lama, tetapi ia menahan amarahnya
Mind (= object to) + gerund
Contoh: Would you mind shutting the window? berkeberatankah anda menutup jendela itu?
Miss + gerund
Contoh: He narrowly missed getting killed. Ia nyaris terbunuh
Postpone + gerund
Contoh: I shall postpone writing till I learn full particulars. Saya akan menunda menulis surat sampai saya mendengar/mengetahui data yang lengkap
Remember + gerund
Contoh: I remember meeting you at the theatre. Saya ingat pernah menjumpai anda di dalam gedung bioskop
Stop + gerund
Contoh: My watch stopped ticking. Jam saya mati
Understand + gerund
Contoh: He understands managing his business. Ia mengerti bagaimana mengurus bisnisnya
d) Sesudah kata-kata sifat tertentu
Busy + gerund
Contoh: I am busy writing letters. Saya sibuk menulis surat
Worth + gerund
Contoh: This book is worth reading. Buku ini patut dibaca
e) Sesudah ungkapan-ungkapan tertentu
It is no use + gerund
Contoh: It’s no use begging like a beggar. Tak ada gunanya meminta-minta seperti orang minta-minta
It is no good + gerund
Contoh: It’s no good getting angry at once. Tak ada gunanya segera menjadi marah
There is no + gerund
Contoh: There’s no getting around it. Hal itu tak dapat dielakkan
There is no harm in + gerund
Contoh: There’s no harm in trying. Tak ada ruginya bila mencoba
Have the pleasure of + gerund
Contoh: I had the pleasure of meeting him. Saya senang sekali bertemu dengannya
Take pleasure in + gerund
Contoh: He takes pleasure in visiting the sick. Dengan senang hati ia mengunjungi orang sakit
To be interested in + gerund
Contoh: He was interested in learning more about my work. Ia berminat belajar lebih banyak tentang pekerjaanku
To be ashamed of + gerund
Contoh: The girl was ashamed of having been beaten in class by her brother. Gadis itu malu karena telah dipukul di kelas oleh saudara laki-lakinya
Gerund dipakai pada papan tanda yang menyatakan suatu larangan, yaitu sesudah no
No, talking! diamlah!
No, passing! dilarang melintas!
No, smoking! dilarang merokok!
No, spitting! dilarang meludah! etc.
Dipakai dalam ungkapan
Contoh: Seeing is believing. Kalau sudah melihat baru percaya

D. Gerund sejenis kata benda abstrak
Gerund sebenarnya merupakan sejenis kata benda abstrak dan mempunyai arti yang sama seperti abstract noun atau seperti noun infinitive:
Gerund : Sleeping is necessary to health
Abstract Noun : Sleep is necessary to health
Noun infinitive : To sleep is necessary to health
Ketiga kalimat tersebut di atas semuanya berarti suatu hal yang sama yaitu tidur perlu untuk kesehatan.

sumber :http://englishtutorial.co.cc/?p=10
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We use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something which is
happening at the time of speaking.
Example :Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying.
We also use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something
which is happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at
the time of speaking.
Example : Silvia is learning English at the moment.
We often use the Present Continuous when we talk about a period around the
Example :You’re working hard today. Yes, I have a lot of to do
We use the present continuous when we talk about the changing situation.
Example : The population without jobs is increasing very fast.


The adverbs of time used in Present Continous tense are “NOW, RIGHT NOW,


The patterns of Present continous tense consist of :
1.3.A. Positive Pattern
S + am/is/are + Verb 4…………………………………………….Now
S + sedang + 4……………………………………..sekarang

Examples :
1. I am studying English now.
2. We are going to Jakarta tomorrow (akan)
3. You are singing now.
4. He is making a cake now.
5. she is sewing a shirt no
6. They are playing football in the field now.
7. Tom and Ani are doing their homework tomorrow.
8. The students are doing sport now.
1.3.b The Negative Pattern
S + am/is/are + Not + Verb 4…………………………………… Now
S + tidak sedang + 4…………………………………….sekarang
Example :
1. I am not studying now
2. He is not sleeping now
3. My father is not watching television now.
4. we aren’t going to Jakarta Tomorrow.
1.3.c. The Interrogative Pattern
Am/Is/Are + S + Verb 4…………………………………………..Now?
Apakah + S + sedang + 4…………………………sekarang ?
Examples :
1. Are you studying English now ? Yes, I am/ No, I am not
2. Is he eating fried rice now? Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t
3. Is your father working in the office now? Yes, He is/No, He isn’t
1.3.d. Qusetion-word Pattern
QW + Am/Is/Are + S + Verb 4…………………………………...Now?
QW + yang + S + 4……………………………………..sekarang?
Examples :
1. what are you doing now ? studying
2. Where is he studying English now ? at school


2.1. The Use of Simple Past Tense

We use the past simple to talk about actions or situations in the past.
2.2. The Adverbs of time used
The adverbs of time used in this tense are Yesterday, last….., a week ago, this morning , last night, yesterday morning, yesterweek, yestermonth, yesteryear, etc.
2.3. The Patterns of Simple Past Tense
2.3.1. The Positive Pattern
S + Verb 2…………………………………………………… Yesterday
S + 2…………………………………………………..
Examples :
1. John saw a crocodile in the river yesterday.
2. We studied English here last week.
3. They played football in the field yesteryear
2.3.2. The Negative Pattern
S + didn’t + Verb 1…………………………………… ……..Yesterday
S + tidak + 1…………………………………kemarin
Examples :
1. John didn’t see a crocodile in the river yesterday.
2. We didn’t study here last week.
3. They didn’t play football in the field yesteryear.
2.3.3. The Interrogative Pattern
Did + S + Verb 1……………………………………………..Yesterday?
Apakah + S + 1…………………………………………kemarin?
1. Did John see a crocodile in the river yesterday ? Yes, he did/No, he didn’t
2. Did you study here last week ? Yes, we did/ No, we didn’t

3. Did they play football in the field yesteryear? Yes, they did/No, they idn’t
2.3.4. The Question-word Pattern
QW + did + S + Verb 1……………………………….………Yesterday?
Qw + yang + S + 1…………………………………….?
1. What did John see in the river yesterday ? a crocodile
2. When did John see a crocodile in the river? yesterday
QW + Verb 2……………………………….………Yesterday? S + did
QW + 2……………………………..?
Examples :
1. Who saw a crocodile in the river yesterday ? John did
2. What grew in the rice-field last year? A coconut tree di


We often usew ill in this situation:
Offering to do something:
e.g. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help with it.
Agreeing and refusing to do something:
e.g. I’ve asked john to help me but he won’t
Promising to do something.
e.g. I will come to your house tonight. I promise.
Asking someone to do something.
Will you close the window,please!
The pattern :
S + will/shall + Verb 1…………………………………… Tomorrow
S + won’t/shan’t + Verb 1…………………… ………… Tomorrow
Will/Shall + S + Verb 1………………………………….. Tomorrow?
QW + will/shall + S + Verb 1…………………….………Tomorrow?
We often use will to be going to when we say what we have already decided to do,
what we intend to do in the future.
e.g. A:There’s a film on television tonight.A re you going to watch it?
B: No, I am too tired. I am going to have an early night.
The pattern :
S + am/is/are + going to + Verb 1……………………………………
S +am/is/are + not + going to + Verb 1…………………… …………
Am/is/are + S + going to + Verb 1………………………………….. .?
QW + am/is/are + S + going to + verb 1…………


Present Tense is used to talk about something in general. And it is also used to talk
about something which is happened repeatedly or habituallly activities.
e.g. + The earth goes round the sun
- The earth doesn’t go round the sun
? Does the earth go round the sun ?
+ I get up at 8 o’clock every morning
- I don’t get up at 8 o’clock every morning
? Do you get up at 8 o’clock very morning?
The pattern :
S + Verb 1 (s/es)…………………………………… Everyday/today
S + don’t/doesn’t + Verb 1…………………… ……Everyday/today
Do/Does + S + Verb 1………………………………Everyday/today?
QW + Do/does + S + Verb 1…………………….…Everyday/today?
We use the present simple when wse say how often we do things:
e.g. How often do you go to the dentist ?
Mary doesn’t often drink tea.


We use past continuous Tense to say that someone was in the middle of doing
something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this
time but hadn’t finished:
This time last year I was living in Brazil
We often use the past continuous Tense and the past simple together to say that
something happened in the middle of something else:
When I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.
The pattern :
S + was/were + verb 4………………….When + s + Verb 2…….……
S + was/were + not + Verb 4…………….When + s + Verb 2…………
Was/were + S + verb 4…………………. When + s + Verb 2 ……. ….?
QW + was/were + S + verb 4……………When + s + Verb 2…………?
e.g. + She was cooking rice when Tom came yesterday
- She wasn’t cooking rice when Tom came yesterday
? Was she cooking rice when Tom came yesterday ?

We often use the present perfect Tense to give new information or to announce
recent happening:
e.g. Do you know about Mary ? She’s gone to Jakarta.
We can use the Present Perfect Tense withalready to say that something has
happened sooner than expected :
e.g. Don’t forget to post this letter, will you? I’vealready posted it.
We can use the Present Perfect Tense withjust (= a short time ago)
e.g. Would you like something to eat? ‘No, thanks. I’vejust had lunch’.
We talk about a period of time that continuous up to the present, we use the
present perfect.
e.g. Dave: Have you travelled a lot, Nora?
Nora: Yes, I have been to 47 different countries.
We often useever andnever with the present perfect:
e.g. have youeve r eaten caviar?
We havenever had a car.
We have to use present perfect Tense with This is the first time…, It the first
e.g. This is the first time he has driven a car. (not drives)
We often use the present perfect with yet. Yet shows that the speaker is expecting
something to happen. Use yet only in questions and negative sentences: e.g. Has it
stopped raining yet ? (not ‘did it stop’).
The pattern:
S + have/has + verb 3……………………….etc
S + haven’t/hasn’t + Verb 3…………….….etc
Have/has + S + verb 3………………….. ….etc?
QW + have/has + S + verb 3………………..etc?


We use the Past perfect to say that something had already happened before this
time :
Example :
- When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home
- When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and had
stolen my fur coat.
- George didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because he had already
seen the film twice.
- It was my first time in an aeroplane. I was very nervous because I hadn’t
flown before.
The pattern:
S + had + verb 3…………when/before S + V2
S + hadn’t + Verb 3……… when/before S + V2
Had + S + verb 3………… when/before S + V2 ?
QW + had + S + verb 3……… when/before S + V2 ?
S + have/has + been + verb 4…………etc S + haven’t/hasn’t + been + verb 4……etc Have/has + S + been + verb 4……….etc ? QW + have/has + S + been + verb 4…etc ?
Example :
-Pelajar pelajartengah menyanyi sejak pagi ini
+ The students have been singing since this morning
- The students haven’t been singing since this morning
? Have the students been singing since this morning ?

S + have/has + been + verb 4…………etc S + haven’t/hasn’t + been + verb 4……etc Have/has + S + been + verb 4……….etc ? QW + have/has + S + been + verb 4…etc ?

Example :
-Pelajar pelajartengah menyanyi sejak pagi ini
+ The students have been singing since this morning
- The students haven’t been singing since this morning
? Have the students been singing since this morning ?

S + had been + verb 4…………when S + V2
S + hadn’t been + Verb 4……… when S + V2
Had + S + been + verb 4………… when S + V2 ?
QW + had + S + been + verb 4……… when S + V2 ?
Example :
-Merekatengah mengerjakan PR ketika saya datang kemarin
+ They had been doing the homework when I came yesterday
- They hadn’t been doing the homework when I came yesterday
? Had they been doing the homework when I came yesterday ?

S + will be + Verb 4 + O + at…………..o’clock
S + won’t be + Verb 4 + O + at………..o’clock
Will + S + be + Verb 4 + O + at……….o’clock ?
QW + will + S + be +Verb 4…………o’clock ?
Example :
-Kamu sedang akan pergi ke sekolah pukul 7 besok pagi
+ You will be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning
- You won’t be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning
? Will you be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning ?
S + will have + verb 3 + ……….by the end……
S + won’t have + Verb 3 + ………..by the end….
Will + S + have + Verb 3 + ………by the end…. ?
QW + will + S + have +Verb 3 +…………by the end… ?
Example :
-Kita sudah akan tiba di Jakarta besok sore.
+ We will have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon
- We won’t have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon
? Will we have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon ?

S + will have been + verb 4………since……….
S + won’t have been + verb 4…….since……….
Will + S + have been + verb 4……since……….?
QW + will + S + have been + verb 4….since…..?
Example :
-Mereka tengah akan belajarsejak pagi besok
+ They will have been studying since this morning
- They won’t have been studying since this morning
? Will they have been studying since this morning ?

S + would + V1…IF + S + verb 2………….etc
S + wouldn’t + verb 1….+ object…………..etc
Would + S + verb 1 ….+ object ……….…..etc ?
Example :
1. Saya akan datang ANDAIKATA kamu mengundang saya
I would come if you invited me
2. Tom akan melakukan perjalanan JIKAdia punya uang
Tom would travel if he had more money
S + would be + Verb 4……when S + verb 2……….etc
S + wouldn’t + be + verb 4….when S + verb 2………etc
Would + S + be + verb 4 ….. when S + verb 2……etc ?
Example :
-Sedianyamer eka sedang akan pulang KETIKA kami datang
+ They would be going home when we came
- They wouldn’t be going home when we came
? Would they be going home when we came ?

S + would be + Verb 4……when S + verb 2……….etc
S + wouldn’t + be + verb 4….when S + verb 2………etc
Would + S + be + verb 4 ….. when S + verb 2……etc ?
Example :
-Sedianyamer eka sedang akan pulang KETIKA kami datang
+ They would be going home when we came
- They wouldn’t be going home when we came
? Would they be going home when we came ?

S + would have + verb 3…..IF + S + had + verb 3…….
S + wouldn’t have + verb 3 ……object………..etc
Would + S + have + verb 3 …….object………..etc ?
Example :
-Ia sudah akan menjadi presiden ANDAIKATA partainya menang dalam
pemilihan umum.
- He would have become a presiden if his party had won in general election

S + would have + been + verb 4…..IF + S + had + verb 3…….
S + wouldn’t have been + verb 4…….object…………etc
Would + S + have been + verb 4.. …….object………..etc ?
Example :
-Sedianyarapat tengah akan dimulai sejak pagi ANDAIKATA walikota
sudah datang tepat pada waktunya
- The meeting would have been starting since this morning if Mayor had come
on time

sumber : http://www.scribd.com/doc/15803659/16-tenses-in-English
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English relative clauses

This article focuses mainly on usage of English relative clauses. For theoretical background on the subject, see the main article on relative clauses.
The relative pronouns in English include who, whom, whose, which, whomever, whatever, and that. (Note: Not all modern syntacticians agree that that is a relative pronoun.) What is a compound relative, including both the antecedent and the relative, and is equivalent to that which; for example, "I did what he desired" means the same as, "I did that which he desired."
In some contexts, there may be a choice between two or more of these forms. The choice of relative pronoun may carry additional meaning or draw a number of distinctions.
Variables in the basic relative clause
Human or non-human
In their choice of relative pronoun, English-speakers will often distinguish between an antecedent that is a human—who(m)—and an antecedent which is a non-human—which. In this regard, English is unique among the Germanic languages as far as bound relatives are concerned. However, as regards free relatives, German uses a strikingly similar strategy distinguishing between 'was'/'was(auch)immer' (cf. English 'what'/'what(so)ever') and wer(auch)immer (cf. English who(so)ever; this distinction may be due to French influence, and is clearly related to the distinction between the interrogative words who(m) and which and that between the (s)he pronouns and it(s).
However, this distinction applies only to the which and who. The alternative that is found with both human and non-human antecedents. While some writers recommend reserving that for nonhuman antecedents, this does not reflect majority use. Examples can be found in Shakespeare (the man that hath no music in himself[1]), Mark Twain (The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg), and Ira Gershwin (The Man that Got Away).
Although whose, as the possessive form of who, is often reserved for human antecedents, it is commonly found also with nonhuman ones.
Grammatical case
In the Germanic languages, the case of a relative pronoun is generally marked in its form. In English, this survives only in who, which has a possessive case form whose and an objective case form whom. But the form whom is in decline and is now often restricted to formal use.
Since which and that have no possessive forms, whose is now also used for the possessive form of these, or periphrasis is sometimes employed:
There is an old house in our street, whose roof Jack fixed.
There is an old house in our street, the roof of which Jack fixed.
Restrictive or non-restrictive
Restrictiveness is more clearly marked in English than in most languages[citation needed]: prosody (in speaking) and punctuation (in writing) serve this purpose. An English non-restrictive relative clause is preceded by a pause in speech or a comma in writing, whereas a restrictive clause normally is not. Compare the following sentences, which have two quite different meanings, and correspondingly two clearly distinguished intonation patterns, depending on whether the commas are inserted:
(1) The builder, who erects very fine houses, will make a large profit. (non-restrictive)
(2) The builder who erects very fine houses will make a large profit. (restrictive)
The first example, with commas, and with three short intonation curves, contains a non-restrictive relative clause. It refers to a specific builder, and assumes we know which builder is intended. It tells us firstly about his houses, then about his profits. The second example uses a restrictive relative clause. Without the commas, and with a single intonation curve, the sentence states that any builder who builds such houses will make profits.
A simple test is to remove the relative clause. If the underlying meaning of the sentence changes, then it is a restrictive clause. If the clause turns out to have been a supplement to the basic meaning of the sentence, then that means the clause was a non-restrictive clause.
A distinction is also sometimes drawn between that (restrictive) and who/which (non-restrictive); see "That or which" below.
Restrictive relative clauses are also called defining relative clauses, or identifying relative clauses. Similarly, non-restrictive relative clauses are called non-defining or non-identifying relative clauses. For more information see restrictive clause and the relevant subsection of relative clause.
That or which
The distinction between the relative pronouns that and which to introduce relative clauses with non-human antecedents, and that vs. who for human antecedents, is a frequent point of dispute.
For clarity, we can look at a slightly modified version of the example above:
(1) The building company, which erects very fine houses, will make a large profit. (non-restrictive)
(2) The building company that|which erects very fine houses will make a large profit. (restrictive)
Of the two, only which is at all common in non-restrictive clauses.[2] The dispute mainly concerns restrictive clauses: in informal American speech and in formal and informal British English that or which are both commonly (and apparently arbitrarily[citation needed]) used, but in formal American English, references generally specify only that,[3] or reduction to a zero relative pronoun (see below). This rule was championed in 1926 by H.W. Fowler, who observed, "Some there are who follow this principle now; but it would be idle to pretend that it is the practice either of most or of the best writers."[4] Some academics, such as Stanford linguist Arnold Zwicky,[5] claim it is "a silly idea," but in the U.S., the Chicago Manual of Style and other mainstream references insist on it, and most professional writers adhere to it.
The style guide Words into Type offers the rule of thumb that "when a comma can be inserted, the word is which."[6] A simple test is to consider whether the clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence and whether removing it significantly changes the meaning of the sentence; if so, use that. For example:
(1) The pitch that changed the outcome of the game came in the eighth inning.
(2) The fateful pitch, which came on a 2-1 pitch, struck the batter.
Zero relative pronoun
Further information: Reduced relative clause
English, unlike other West Germanic languages, has a zero relative pronoun. It is an alternative to that in a restrictive relative clause:
Jack built the house that I was born in.
Jack built the house Ø I was born in.
Relative clauses headed by zeros are frequently called contact clauses in TEFL contexts. They are also often referred to as "zero clauses".
The zero relative pronoun cannot be the subject of an active verb in the relative clause. Thus one must say:
Jack built the house that sits on the hill.
and never
*Jack built the house Ø sits on the hill.
However, the zero relative pronoun can be the subject of a passive verb in the relative clause. In this case, the auxiliary verb (e.g., "was") must also be removed from the relative clause:[7]
Jack built the house that was sold yesterday.
Jack built the house Ø sold yesterday.
This rule applies regardless of whether the antecedent of the zero relative is an object or a subject in the main clause:
The house that was built in 1970 is Nirmala's favorite.
The house Ø built in 1970 is Nirmala's favorite.
However, when the antecedent is the subject of the main clause, a garden path sentence such as the following may result:
The horse raced past the barn fell.
which is derived from
The horse that was raced past the barn fell.
Use with preposition
In formal writing, a preposition in a relative clause often appears together with the relative pronoun. In this case the pronoun is likely to be either whom or which; never that, and since this is now formal usage, it would be unusual to use who.
Jack is the boy with whom Jenny fell in love.
Jack built the house in which I grew up.
Like most Germanic languages, Old English required this syntax. However, in modern English it is rather more common to place the preposition where it would be if the clause were an independent clause. Though John Dryden raised in 1672 the issue that this preposition-stranding is not considered correct[citation needed], it was already in widespread use by that time, and now has wide usage among English speakers, especially in colloquial situations. Therefore any of the following might be heard in ordinary speech:
Jack is the boy whom Jenny fell in love with.
Jack is the boy who Jenny fell in love with.
Jack is the boy that Jenny fell in love with.
Jack is the boy Jenny fell in love with.
The most common distribution of the forms is therefore as follows (though variations may be heard).
Restrictive Nonrestrictive
Human Nonhuman Human Nonhuman
Subject who, that which, that who which
Object who, whom, that, Ø which, that, Ø who, whom which
After preposition whom which whom which
Possessive whose, of whom whose, of which whose, of whom whose, of which
Special types and variants
Nominal relative clauses
English allows what is called a fused or nominal relative clause — a relative clause that does not modify an external noun phrase, and instead has a nominal function fused into it. For example:
What he did is clearly impossible, but I saw him do it.
Here, what he did has the sense of that which he did, i.e. the thing that he did, and functions as the subject of the verb is. Nominal relative clauses are inherently restrictive.
English has a number of fused relative pronouns, such as what, whatever, and whoever, but all can introduce other kinds of clauses as well; what can also introduce interrogative content clauses ("I do not know what he did"), for example, and both whatever and whoever can
See also
• English grammar
1. ^ The Merchant of Venice
2. ^ Pullum, Geoffrey K. Language Log: An ivory-billed relative clause, Language Log. 1 December 2005.
3. ^ New Hart's Rules (Oxford University Press: 2005), p.68.
4. ^ Fowler, H.W. (1965) [1926]. Sir Ernest Gowers. ed. Fowler's Modern English Usage (second ed.). Oxford University Press.
5. ^ Zwicky, Arnold (2005-05-03). "Don't do this at home, kiddies!". http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog/archives/002124.html. Retrieved 2008-12-06. "Most linguists—especially sociolinguists—think this a really silly idea, but some people, like Safire, seem to have never met a rule they didn't like, especially if the rule would bring order into apparent chaos."
6. ^ Skillin, Marjorie E. (1974). Words into Type (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-964262-5
7. ^ Carrol, David W (2008). Psychology of Language (5 ed.). Belmont: Thomson & Wadsworth. p. 136.

sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_relative_clauses
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